First to be fair to Kodak , Thank You for making available 5MP+ cameras to retail consumers . But you are still stuck being a product company. Now it is all about experience. And sadly, even though your cameras are great, cheap and selling, the end experience leaves some to be desired. Now its great, that with the later versions of EasyShare software you got on the 'social' bandwagon, provided facebook etc. options but please understand that countries like India, your average user (currently in 2011 and atleast a couple of years more, which if not managed properly can be damaging permanently) is still going to sync with the computer and that is where the Kodak easyshare is not at all easy ! Some problems - 1. the display does not indicate file types while selecting for download to your computer, so if someone has shot a 100 mb movie in between pictures, you are stuck while transferring. And thats exactly what happened, some videos were shot which were around 10 t...
Thoughts from Experiences ! Your views and opinions are welcome, they make me think.