Ok, So one of the channels decided to show BodyGuard at 9 pm. yesterday. Had heard the movie wasn't that great. Had found Wanted crazily hilarious, so switched to the movie sharp at 9 pm. The movie started with a scene localized for consumption from Rajneeti (Sorry, Rajneeti localized GodFather, and now Rajneeti gets a mention.) Why on earth would they start a movie like this ? Well that was it. The movie lost 80% of my interest then. Still hung around even though most of the going ons were nonsense. Finally switched channels when Salman Khan did a SpiderMan (no it was Robot) to jump out of the local train onto an express going in the opposite direction. Good thing the jump was before 13 Nov 2011, else, post the switchover happening today from DC to AC, a man standing on the train is likely to be pulled into the overhead wires. Last thing, please change the name of the movie to Body-Spider-Father-Man !! Sounds dumb ? That's how the start looked to me. Disclaimer:...
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