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Reservation Quota's and India 2016

Written around April 2006...
just posting it here from another of my pages...

The year is now 2016. India of the future.
It was exactly 10 years ago that the sensex broke the 12.5 k barrier, Gold hit a 23 year high, job offers were hitting the 1 cr (lovingly called ’khokha’) mark, jobs and economy were going up in the IT / ITES sector, Dharavi was all set to dissapper in a cloud of growth, India was all set to become the next automobile design and manufacturing hub and economy and people generally had a sense of growth, not to forget, Ralph Lauren recruitingall Indians for the next generation of clothes, just to compete with the hottest global fashion design firms ’’Lallu Dudhwala’’ and ’’Rasik Jalebiwala’’. All were set to become the citizens of the new SUPER-POWER India.
As of today, the sensex still hovers around 1k, gold for those people who have it, is of collection value, since none can afford to pay more than Rs. 100 per 10 gms, most people cannot afford the public travel (even in the shape and cost that it is today), Dharavi is has now extended to cover 95 % of Mumbai, jobs have all but gone, and the very best of all the people we produce fight for the now available basic back-office processing jobs that we do for Thailand and Malaysia. Dont know what goes on outside Mumbai..have heard that we have reached an alarming 15 % rate of suicide ...but who can afford to travel just to find this out ?

HOW did we manage this turn-around .....How was it possible to derail the growth monster going at break-neck speed ??There are theories abound...Left said its the US, BJP the Chinese, Congress said Pakistan and the US said it was Osama, combined with Dawood and Iran.But all agree, the channel was Arjun Singh, the time the first week of April 2006 and the action, the addition of Quota to take the total to 49.5 % (what a figure !!)

It was simple...First came the reservations...and that was it. We never realised what hit us.. even Pakistan couldnt understand what was happening, for a few years they thought it was a ploy...and got real scared.Then in a few years time things started crumbling. The doctors we produced could not heal people...seems Nature and Medicine do not understand reservations. Both (Nature and Medicine) react adversely when given the wrong medicine. Human bodies went to dust faster then one could say Crocin...seems the new breed of pharma cos could not even produce the basic crocin with the set of people they had got..and in the age of cancer and aids, the equation was simple..> Death could be found more easily that a good doctor...

And of course people were falling ill more, how could we forget the contribution of the of the Agriculture universities, across the country. With the concoctions they produced, losing 3 years of crops was merely a formality...And the ones that did not get destroyed created a new breed of ailments altogether !!!

Why is it that Nature does not understand reservations ????

And our automobiles, they are dumb ! Why were those axles cracking at 1000 kms ??? Didnt the automobiles understand that they would have to ’bend’ a few engineering principles ?? After all it was the age of reservations ! and 50 % at that... Couldnt they just understand ?
And to add to all of this our bridges, why O why didnt they understand ?? After all, they should have !!!!!! And all those failed brakes on trains !And those trains on broken bridges....And the attempts called as life-saving for all those people having gone over with the trains !!!And the injured, did they have a chance ????The medicos spent an entire afternoon sitting next to the injured discussing which hospital the injured should be taken to (after all there were reservations there too !!!!! and it was not very easy identifying who was what (SC/OBC) once they were injured and bleeding !!
Oh ! just damn these engineering and medical principles, why dont they understand ...we had to !! Of course we had to have those reservations !!!!
And all those so called Intelligent people, how stupid they were ..the other 50 % ...trying to show us those things lie in knowledge and merit...and heavan forbid ...
We showed them how stupid they are , we told them that the ability to memorize is not really a measure of merit, and they suggested that maybe we should remove all measures of merit itself in this case and have all politicians be treated only with doctors produced from such colleges where no measure was implemented.
Idiots !!!!
Didnt they forget that politicans and vips went abroad for treatment.
There were quite a few sc’s/st’s and obc’s among those intelligent 50 %... the ones who had made it on merit... how is it that they didnt understand... why did they work so hard when they could have got in easliy.
Dont know whats next, some say it was sheer genius on the part of Arjun Singh to control population, some say he made enough money for eternity and went abroad.
Noone really knows where he dissappeared and when he dissappeared. Theories abound. SOme say it was in 2009, when he was part of a committee that went to study reservations and their effects in Afghanistan (but the plane really went to the Bahamas).Anyways, thats where we are today. Have to go now, have a few mice to catch, am yet to have breakfast. Thank God I am a vegetarian, the non-veggies are all struck out, the dogs have all but dissappeared !!!


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