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Education Innovation

Frequently the question arises of education will change, innovate. What do we expect in the education industry ? This industry I believe, will see some huge changes. The segment I refer to here is the under K-12, maybe restricted up to 10th standard in India, the equivalent of the sophomore year. The model so far prevalent in this industry is capital intensive.
    The ability to start a school is based on your ability to
  • invest in a land tract, or own one, in a prime location or at least sufficiently accessible .
  • have the capital to build school, and relevant infrastructure.
  • interface with government for necessary approvals and other purposes like grants, compliance etc.
  • This greatly limits competition in the industry. Worse, it eliminates motivation to improve.

    Instead, what I expect in the future is a triad, which optimizes competition, ensuring better outcomes.

      The triad would be
  • Infrastructure providing businesses
  • Regulation, Compliance
  • Testing Services
  • The Infrastructure providing businesses would focus on providing services like equipped class rooms / grounds sports equipment etc. The Testing services would be responsible primarily for testing the students and proving grading services. This would be inline with the current private testing services. The Regulation and Compliance services regulate teacher qualification and certification, Infrastructure business compliance and grading , Testing services Compliance. The nature of this component of industry makes it a natural fit to be a quasi or government body.

    How does this whole thing work ?
    Sign up for classes at times you want at places that you are, at a pace that you want. The value you pay for, is no longer only about school location and infrastructure, but is actually dependent on the teacher, which is dependent on the year-on-year outcome a teacher is able to bring to the student combined with the infrastructure the teacher uses. One of the HUGE differences that this model brings to the industry is to evaluate the core value delivery of the teacher, and ensure commensurate value transfer. The ability to switch to a teacher which has a more appropriate teaching style to the student validated by outcomes .

    The reason I see value in this model is primarily in it's ability to do 2 things. First, is to transfer value to where value is being created and Second, to map outcomes to this value transfer.

    Whether this happens or not would largely depend on 2 things. First is the government's willingness and Second, the support of the stake holders involved.


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