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Mumbai - Auto Riksha Permits

This post is largely about some changes which would be beneficial to Mumbai (rikshaw drivers and commuters both) and not so beneficial to the politicians.

The objectives that would be met are:

1. financial benefits to the autoriksha instead of the middlemen.
2. guidelines which bring clarity to autorikshas and commuters, both.
3. guidelines for vehicles.

Current circumstances: A permit is issued for an autoriksha, which is transferable to another vehicle used. An public service capable license is required to drive these autos. Currently no additional registration or listing is required to be able to drive

An increase in the number of permits based on the increase in population in the city every year. (before you yell @ me about the traffic problems already, please read on)
The permit of an autoriksha should be issued to those who own a public service license.
This should be necessarily combined with other details like a PAN number or now an Aadhar number.
A single permit per license should be issued. This should restrict the trading of permits as is currently happening. Additionally, a charge of around 6000 per year should be charged per auto permit renewal annually. [I am sure no one will resist, since currently people pay over Rs.1,00,000 per 3 years, and this contributes to a lot of black money.]

The auto - companies be allowed to operate as an auto rental agency in metros as this would bring down the the total number of autos present in the metro, many of which lie idle and are not optimally utilised. The auto companies can rent vehicles to only those who have permits. This should bring down the pressure on banks for such small loans allowing them to focus a little more on roads / other infrastructure. While the overall production may come down for the vehicle manufacturers, an additional income stream from leasing / renting vehicles has been made available. I personally believe vehicle ownership as a concept is not sustainable or optimal and renting is the way to go.

An additional registration be made mandatory for each driver who intend to drive the autoriksha in a district. Such registration be valid for a year to 18 months only.

An additional optional test be made available for this registration, where the driver can get himself qualified for a multi-level certificate, which is based on knowledge of areas, hospitals, police stations, years of experience in driving in Mumbai etc.

Even if it is a first time driver, all autos should be expected to carry either a map or a list of the hosipitals, police stations, ambulance and other emergency contacts.

The day would be divided into 3 shifts. During anytime of the shift the driver would not be allowed to deny passengers (except emergencies and during the last 1 hours of the shift). The last 1 hour is to facilitate the auto driver to head towards his own residence area. Additionally, a board should be added to auto-rikshas clearly indicating the base area they intend to travel to at the end of the shift bringing a little more transparency.

The shift timings would start @ 7 am, 3 pm , 11 pm. First shift gets the morning rush, second shift gets the evening rush, third gets the night shift, implying additional revenue due to night shift charges.

Further at any point from Monday to Friday, 10 % of the vehicles would be off the road based on a numbering system.
This system would be based on the last digit of the vehicles state registration.
e.g. vehicles having last digit as 1 or 2 would be off on a Monday, 3,4 on Tuesday, 5,6 on Wednesday, 7,8 on Thursday, 9,0 on Friday.

The cycle would change every month in continuity.
meaning 1,2 on Tuesday, 3,4 on Wednesday and so on in month 2.
The vehicles themselves undergo a fitness test every year, including their shock absorber capacity,  since many vehicles operate with sub-optimal shock absorbers causing many health problems to the commuters.

A similar system can be worked for the taxis as well.

P.S. Please comment if anything needs corrections or any you would like your suggestions to be added.


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